

Meet The Parents

Meeting your partner's parents for the first time can be nerve-wracking. You want to make a positive impression, and a little thoughtful preparation can go...


Adding Children to the Mix

Couples are often excited to discuss having their own children, but they might not be quite so open if one of them does not get...


Managing The End of Life

Parents are generally the ones who decide whether or not their child has made the right choice of a spouse, and they are the ones...


Far Too Many Excuses

Avoiding the family gatherings of a spouse is a time-honored tradition, but it can have far reaching consequences. Those who do not like spending time...


Simply Not Good Enough

There are many families who pride themselves on their social standing, and they want their children to marry within their social circle. This does not...


Making Adjustments

Many people have heard and laughed at the jokes, groans and foibles of married people trying to deal with in-laws. They might seem funny at...


After the Honeymoon

Couples today might still want the blessing of their families before they get married, but it could be impossible for some of them to obtain...


Finally Getting Along

It can often be said that spouses feel like they are between two cats determined to fight when they show up at their family's home...


Marrying a Childhood Friend

Getting along with in-laws is often one of the more difficult parts of a long term relationship, and it is usually due to the differing...


A Tragic Family Crisis

There are many times when tragedy occurs in the life of a family, and they need every member to help them through it. For those...